
Thursday, June 22, 2006


Seal (1997) in “what is stress,” discusses what stress is and what the types of stress are.Stress has been defined in several ways it is the terms or applied to slimily or event in the environment that make physical and emotional demand on us. Stress: is an emotional or physical reaction to demanding events or stimuli. A stressor: is an event or stimulus that cause stress.
Hans Seyle a researches and a writer about stress says that animals and human react to stress in there stages collectedly known as the general adaptation syndrome. The stages stress are: first, the alarm reaction that happen when the human or animal recognize the danger. Next, the stage of resistance in this stage the human or animal try to resist the or avoid the problem. Finally, the human or animals avoid or fined a solution for his problem than hi will beat the stress but if he didn’t find the problem than he will be exhaustion and that is not good for hem.
Seyle develop of general adoption such as in animals painful tail-pulling consequently lead to the same sorts of stress reactions. In human however it is harder to predict what will be stressful so it depend on the person subjective appraisal of that stimulus also in human moreover the specific stress reaction is likely to very widely some stressful situations give rise predominately to emotion of fear some to anger some to helplessness and depression


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