Bryce G. Hoffman. Monday, May 15, 2006. Carmakers Woo Youth With Web Videos. Retrieved On June 14, 2006 from
Online Advertisement is increasing auto sales
Advertisement is increasing on the internet more than the old fashion television commercial advertisement way. Confront with new online generation, Detroit carmakers are developing an online sire to attract young auto buyers. Ford Motor Company just finished its online documentary series. Ford is working hard to connect with its customers through the two-min video segment. Other companies are trying to contact with their customers by using the online multimedia. Aero Lenzini, a vice president with the William motor agency said "it's about telling your own stories through entertainment," he also said that "Its bravo new world of media and entertainment," he also give many examples from Fore and GM.
The advertisement on the internet is growing very fast. Its one of the fastest way to connect the target customer and in the same time it's cheaper than the television advertisement. Ford, gm, and other car makers are shifting to internet advertisement because it appears to be more powerful than the old classical way, the can broadcast their advertisement for free by any video site on line. All of the auto maker factory's this days have their own web site where you can see and choose the size and the color of the car that you want, some of the web site also give you the opportunity to build your car where you can change most of the details of the car and put them in the way you like. I believe that carmakers should tell their customers about their history and make them now the different generations so they can feel more connected to this car or company, foe example Ford's show room in Dammam city have a section of Ford's old cars and television shows you will also find some old pictures from the desert where they will show an old man standing next to a old Ford pickup, some companies don’t do this kind of things but on the other hand you will see some old car shows where you will find some TOYOTA and NISSAN because I think from my experiment are more reliable specially in a plaice like Saudi Arabia. That means that some companies are paying some money and others are getting it for free.
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